Hello everyone, I just wanted to show you what my new friend over Jenn over at cottage nest gifted to me, How sweet!
The necklace is a real vintage-y looking piece with great pink bobble factor! I love all the stationary and stickers, too.
If you havent been to cottage nest lately, which undoubtedly, is how you found me- you should go and check out her blog. Quite the gal.
Shes the one that got me onto my new obsession, the blog. I can blame her for the dirty dishes in the sink and the unmade beds upstairs!! (justkiddinjen) I want to thank her for opening up my eyes to a whole new world of friends, you all are such fun girls! Too bad we dont live closer. Instead of inspiriation Friday, we could have Margarita Friday!
I do have a question for anyone who would care to help me. I cannot for the life of me, figure out how to get my blog to link up with all my favorite blogs,I know, its probably that nearly mid 40s that are catching up to me. Since my birthday, somehow I feel like I need to have some cheater glasses, too!!! scary!!! Any help for the old gal will be appreciated!
Have a great day girlfriends, Jenn thanks again you sweetie pie!
Very cute things. I feel the same way about blogging. I should be cleaning right now. Hava great weekend.
Oh my gosh, I had to go back to see the frog. I would have freaked if I had opened that. Yeah on being the winner. Love the teapot. I hope you have good weekend.
I am sorry I posted on the wrong screen, I don't know what I did I am an idiot!
I'm so glad you liked your goodies. It was my pleasure to send them to such a total sweetie. I'm glad to call you a friend. As for the technical issue, I will get back to you when I have a bit more time. I have company coming tomorrow and need to be cleaning. I'm just gonna go do a quick post on my bloggy and get busy. Have a great weekend.
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