I am home today with a very "out of whack" shoulder from the beach cottage weekend. It was my job to cut down all of the rotten wood we have gutted out from the house and start a burn pile, since it was overcast and drizzly we can finally have a fire. Needless to say, I am waiting for the 3:oo appt for the chiropractor. A good cracking will be in order, and a good tongue lashing on how a girl shouldnt abuse her body in such a manly way. (HAHA) My chiro is a long long time friend of the family and he certainly knows the value of a good hard days work. Anyway, I should be back to normal by the days end. Tonight after the night time ritual of the 3 child tuck in, it off to a nice hotbath soak, with an extra large glass of wine (okay, not too large. dont want to disturb the bad shoulder) and I will be back at it. See you soon!
What a gorgeous home you have!! I particularily love your kitchen...
Keep up the blogging and visit as many as you can...you will see that the way to get more readers is to comment on theirs and they will reciprocate! Bloggers are a very polite bunch. Also, if you install a counter on yours, then it will tell you how many visitors are coming daily and from where. If you go to my blog and scroll down you will see a counter at the bottom left. Click on it and it will take you through the steps to install one on yours.
Happy blogging!!
I saw your comment on Cottage Nest and clicked on over. Linda gave you good advice...keep commenting on others blogs and people will visit you.
Your home is beautiful. I especially love that kitchen window!
You have a lovely blog. I will be sure to come back and visit again soon. I also wanted to tell you that you weren't the grand prize winner of my drawing but I decided to draw a runner up for another gift and you are the winner of that one. Please email me at jenjen1220@yahoo.com. Congrats! Jen
hmmm, I am confused--the home is beautiful, but was that pictures of the renovated cottage or a different place!!!?
My son just moved to Redmond and I live in SC--about as far as you can get!!
Oh I love your house. So refreshing!. I especially love the little shelves on the side of your cabinets. I might just have to copy you: )
Also, I almost always have at least one child in bed with me by morning...but I make them squeeze in the middle...so I still get my side. My side of the bed isn't as pretty as yours is though.
Your kitchen sink area is very pretty! When I started blogging a year ago, I just sent my link out to family and friends. I've always kept a written journal in the past but have found a blog to be more satisfying even if I don't get a lot of comments. I get a lot of people who tell me they read my blog but don't post comments so I might want to get a counter too. Your little cottage intrigues me! Will be fun to see what you do with it. We bought and overhauled a little cabin this spring and I had fun posting pictures showing the transformation. Laurie
Pretty home!
Love your blog..Im your newest follower (purehunnybee)
Hope you shoulder feels better..
Deborah xo
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