Hey there!
Its a new day dawning at
Grand Heron
Yes, it is..we are going to start carrying a little more coastal style.
That said, A good designer of terrific casual interiors is going to find its way into the shop.
Anne Selke of Pine Cone Hill fame is starting to show up!
Yes indeed..

wonderful 100% cotton woven rugs and runners in great kicky stripes of any color combo or size you can imagine.. my fave here, sunflower ticking on the stairs..

or yet another fun color combo..

shes got great wooden trays in this white wash or a terrific dark black wash..

the BEST EVER, fleece cozy pjs.. oh yes..

There are great bedding combos, too numerous to even photo. I mostly have ordered pillows and throws to start, but if you see something you want, I can totally get it for you..

I am very excited about the new style direction part of the shop is going to transition into.
Check out pineconehill website and see what I mean!
I cant wait~~What do you think?
coastal nest
cute stuff. those pj's look awesome. i am thinking i would wear them all day.
I will take one of everything. I love your smart ass comments girlfriend, they are what keep me blogging. Ha! I am so there, will there be crab legs...or seafare of some sort? Can I bring Ville as well? Oh, I live in a dream world.
I LURVE me some Pine Cone Hill bedding!!!! I wanted to get some for the Noodle's room, but cha-CHING!
You are soooo talented!
Next time I'm in town, I'm staying an extra day to come to the shop. I still haven't gotten a schedule for my travel yet. I'll let you know when I get it!
I love it all. Is that a dash and albert rug? They make my heart go pitter patter. I'm off to look at the pineconehill bedding.
Beautiful stuff, Lisa-do you have a website for on=line shopping??
I have 2 awards for you at Sunbonnet Cottage.
I hope you can stop by soon.
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