Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Does a list count?????

  1. dropped off kids at school
  2. got gas
  3. drove to Olympia
  4. Target
  5. Macys
  6. Back to Target
  7. Costco
  8. taco time (crisp chicken burrito and small dr pepper) ahhh.
  9. race home
  10. go to the spa for makeup and little chat session with Ryan S--who is fabulous, btw..
  11. Steve calls on cell--bring water! Its dang near 70 degrees!! luckily in back of van from Costco :)
  12. race to find him on his route in time to pick up chillys at proper time..(yes..I achieved it)
  13. pick up kids
  14. empty costco contents--mental note, clean out PANTRY Lisa
  15. Grand Heron-dusted vaccumed..chatted about how awesome the store looks.
  16. Haircut--I stayed blonde, btw
  17. home
  18. dinner--dont give me that raised eyebrow look, I know..I know....Hot dogs and Mac and cheese..
that is all.....I know its lame, but it is a post!


WSU Laura said...

Totally counts!

Heaven's Walk said...

Sure! Loved hearing what you did today! You sure did some truckin', girl! lol!

xoxo laurie

Anonymous said...

MAaaaan you get around girl! But I already knew that ;)

Simple Home said...

Oh yes it counts. Sounds like the life of a busy wife and mom :-)

Timi said...

That's not Fakebusy!